2023 Lace Course

2023 Lace Course

There were many new faces at the course this year and the lacemakers who had been before welcomed them into the ‘course family’. Friendships were formed and old acquaintances rekindled as we spent a week together doing something we all enjoyed. The 62 lacemakers...
2022 Lace Course

2022 Lace Course

The 18th July dawned and we were ready to welcome 54 ladies onto the course. They came from far and wide with quite a number of first timers and three real beginners. We had four course tutors, Kitty Mason, Frances Bell, Carole Smith and Claire Bonito and also an...
2021 Lace Course

2021 Lace Course

On the morning of Tuesday 20th July, 23 very happy ladies arrived at Heriot Watt University for the 2021 Edinburgh Lace Course. Due to the rules and restrictions imposed by Covid-19, the University was not able to offer their full range of accommodation and social...